

What are the 3 Common Types of Furnaces

Did you know that there are three common types of furnaces? Will oil-burning, electric, or natural gas be the best option for your specific situation? After all, each has its benefits and drawbacks. Depending on where you live, your fuel choices may be smaller if you don’t have access to natural gas lines. Also, different types of fuel will fit your budget better. When you need Furnace Installation Calgary, we can help you choose the best option for your residence.

Oil-Burning Furnaces

Do you live in a locale where you don’t have natural gas access? Then, an oil-burning furnace may be right for your home. Oil-burning furnaces cost about 25 percent less than the cost of a new natural gas furnace. However, there are a few drawbacks to using an oil furnace:

  • Oil is quite expensive.
  • According to HouseholdAir.com, “It produces tons of soot and dirt, resulting in wasted energy while necessitating intensive maintenance. As a result, many homeowners consider a dying oil furnace an opportune time to replace the unit with a more efficient, less maintenance-intensive heating system.”
  • New models are now much more energy efficient.

Electric Furnaces

Electric furnaces are an option if you don’t have a natural gas line to connect to. These units aren’t as large so they fit in smaller spaces.

  • Installation is fairly easy, but you’ll need a large enough electric panel to handle more electric usage.
  • They offer more accurate precision when setting the temperature.
  • Electric furnaces should last about 10 years longer (though monthly energy costs will be higher).

Natural Gas Furnaces

Today, natural gas furnaces are the most popular option. They’re usually more efficient than other furnace types. And, a higher efficiency furnace equates to less energy costs!

Natural gas furnaces:

  • create even heating
  • usually cost more upfront but offer energy savings each month compared to other options
  • are fairly economical to run since natural gas prices are competitive (versus other fuel types)

The right furnace for your home will depend on many factors including your location and budget. Other factors like home size, the number of windows your home has, ceiling height, and availability of fuel types will need to be considered, too. When you’re looking for Furnace Installation Calgary, don’t be anxious. Our professionals will help you make a no-stress, well informed decision. Give Rapid Furnace Repair a call today to discuss options that will meet your own unique needs.

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